
「唱出自己的歌」音樂電影節 聽見台灣│《四十年》、《那魯灣》

  • 開始日期:2017-02-25 00:00~2017-03-26 00:00

地點:UA iSquare/ UA Cine Times / UA Cine Moko 共三間戲院放映



無論冰島Sigur Rós的靈性謎音,Björk的天籟之音,住家阿婆的Lo-Fi造音創作,傳奇樂隊Nirvana主音Kurt Cobain的短暫一生,還是中國大陸搖滾樂三十年的變遷,台灣民歌運動四十年的回望,原住民音樂的暗潮湧動,跨越身份界域,音樂,幫助人們追尋真實的本我、自由的靈魂。連串音樂紀錄片,傳遞獨一無二的音樂精神。


UA CineHub 



★ 唱出自己的歌:音樂電影節2017 ★
合辦:UA CineHub、文藝復興基金會、人人映像
█ 聽見台灣│《四十年》、《那魯灣》



【青春唱的歌 永遠不會老】
【原住民之聲 悠揚的傳承】
那魯灣│3.11│3.12 │3.22(3.12場次設映後導演分享@Phoenix Lounge)

唱出自己的歌:音樂電影節2017 影片介紹

四十年 Ode to Time

導演 Director:侯季然 Hou Chi-jan

國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles

台灣 TW / 彩色 Col. / DCP / 118mins

After four decades, a group of veteran singers gather together again. The songs they wrote when they were young had once changed the fate of the island. However, time took away their youth and changed the island's soul. Can the innocent songs they sang back in the old days still be related to the new era? Or could they speak for only the souls of a particular generation?

On that memorable night in history, the veteran singers are re-united and sing those beautiful songs they wrote forty years ago. The unpredictability in life, the cruelty of fate are gradually revealed in their singing.

2.26 日SUN 14:30 UA iSQUARE

3.12 日SUN 15:20 UA iSQUARE


*Post-screening talk with the film director will be held at the screening of Feb 26 at the screening auditorium.

那魯灣 Naluwan

導演 Director:尚若白 Jean-robert Thomann

國語及部份原住民語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin and partially Aboriginal Language of Taiwan. With Chinese and English subtitles

法國 FR / 彩色 Col. / HD / 86 mins


The aborigines of Taiwan are the most ancient and long-standing inhabitants of the island. Now living under a Han-dominated society, they face unprecedented problems that threaten their survival and cultural identity. This film focuses on three distinctive indigenous singers who touch their fellow people, the general Taiwanese population and foreigners alike with their moving and infective folk music which expresses their deep emotional ties to their homeland and their love for the island. Naluwan is a moving portrait of a proud people who, despite their difficulties, fearlessly defend and protect their unique and precious language, music, cultural and homeland.

3.11 六SAT 18:00 UA iSQUARE

3.12 日SUN 18:00 UA iSQUARE

3.22 三WED 20:00 UA iSQUARE

*3月12日之場次,導演將會出席映後分享,場地為UA iSQUARE Phoenix Lounge。

*Post-screening talk with the film director will be held at the screening of Mar 12 at Phoenix Lounge, UA iSQUARE.