

I Sing While Walking: Tsai Ming-Liang’s Stories and Songs

Click for English description.


戶外放映日期: 15~16.11.2018 Thu. - Fri.
放映時間: 19:00

戶外排練日期: 15.11.2018 Thu.
時間: 19:00

室內說唱日期: 16.11.2018 Fri.
時間: 19:00  

成了我的戲中人 自始至終

小時不喜歡 後來變很愛很愛
也愛了白光 李香蘭 吳鶯音 姚莉 葛蘭
少年看邵氏電影 有了《不了情》和《情人的眼淚》

開心也唱 不開心也唱  
會唱的 就這些了』


本活動包括戶外影像投映與室內說唱演出,戶外投影內容為兩部蔡明亮「慢走長征」系列作品:2012年於台北拍攝的《無色》,及同年於香港拍攝的《行者》,同時還有2013年長片作品《 郊遊》的部分拍攝影像。室內說唱的部分,蔡明亮將會分享他的創作、生活、記憶,演唱他鍾愛的老歌、帶領我們回到那段,令他難忘的黃金時代。



他是當代最肉慾、最敏感、最陰暗的電影作者。他把身體當成是一個神秘的、具可塑性的、怪異的、粗俗的機器,藉由作品將身體的官能赤裸地呈現出來。2011年,他排了一齣舞台劇《只 有你》,一段李康生17分鐘的慢走表演令他震動,他脫口:「我跟你合作了20年,就等這一刻。」他的電影不愛講故事,不愛說話,緩慢且長時間的單一鏡頭,呈現生命最真實的面貌:人的 不自主、人的渴望、人的空虛,人的寂寞。他的鏡頭長期凝視李康生,也就是在凝視著人生。


他在街頭被蔡明亮發掘,第一部電影《青少年哪吒》演的就是自己。不久他生了一場怪病,脖子歪了,蔡明亮陪他四處求醫,把這段經歷拍成《河流》。他從20歲一直被拍到45歲的《郊遊 》,憑一在路邊舉牌的邊緣人角色拿下金馬影帝。2011年演出劇場《只有你》,其中一段慢走表演,激發蔡明亮創作「行者」影像,以一身紅袍,光頭赤腳的形象,極緩慢地行走於世界各地 ,更獲布魯塞爾、維也納、光州等重要藝術節邀約,演出舞台劇《玄奘》,成為慢走藝術家。





I Sing While Walking: Tsai Ming-Liang’s Stories and Songs

Venue: Tai Kwun - Centre for Heritage and Arts

Outdoor Screenings
Date/Time: 15-16.11 Thu. - Fri. 19:00
Venue: Laundry Steps, Tai Kwun

Free admission

Open Rehearsal
Date/Time: 15.11 Thu. 19:00
Venue: Prison Yard, Tai Kwun

Free admission

Indoor Performance
Date/Time: 16.11 Fri. 19:00
Venue: JC Cube, Tai Kwun

Online registration
Please refer to Tai Kwun website or Tai Kwun App for registration arrangement.

“My images will feature Hsiao Kang, as always.
Ever since I found him among the crowd in the streets,
he’s been in all my films, right from the beginning.
He has since also become the “walker” of my Slow-walking films.  

I grew up in Nanyang during the radio era.
The popular songs during that time
formed the background music of my youth.
Zhou Xuan was my father’s favorite singer.
I didn’t enjoy her songs as a child but grew to adore her.
The same goes with Bai Guang, Li Xianglan, Wu Yingyin, Yao Li and Ge Lan.
The Shaw Brothers films introduced me to Everlasting Love and Lover’s Tears.  

I realized then that I loved singing as well.
I sing when I’m happy, I sing when I’m sad.
And these are the songs I know by heart.”

About the programme

This event includes outdoor film screenings and indoor storytelling and singing. The outdoor session features two of Tsai Ming-Liang’s short films from his “Slow-walking Series” — No Form (2012), filmed in Taipei, and Walker (2012), filmed in Hong Kong — as well as selected footage from his feature-length film Stray Dogs (2013). For the indoor session, Tsai Ming-Liang will share stories from his filmmaking career, life and memories while also performing his favorite old songs, bringing us back to that unforgettable golden era of his past.

About the artists

Tsai Ming-Liang is known to be the most sensual, most sensitive and most somber filmmaker of this generation. He sees the human body as a mysterious, malleable, strange and vulgar machine, and seeks to strip naked the sensory functions of the human body through his work. During his 2011 play, Only You, Tsai was so moved by Lee Kang-Sheng’s 17-minute slow-walking scene that he exclaimed to Lee, “I have worked with you for 20 years and this is the moment I have been waiting for.” His films, often absent of narrative and dialogue, composed of slow and long takes, present life in its truest form, showing us the helplessness of humans, their desire, emptiness and loneliness. His lens, long fixated on Lee Kang-Sheng, is in fact, fixated on life itself.

Lee Kang-Sheng was discovered by Tsai Ming-Liang in the streets and debuted in Rebels of the Neon God, as a character based on himself. Not long after, he developed a strange ailment which left his neck twisted. Tsai took him to seek treatment everywhere and even turned this experience into a film, The River. Lee, whose career began at 20, won the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor at 45, for his role as a human billboard marginalized by society. Lee’s slow-walking scene in Tsai’s 2011 play, Only You, inspired Tsai to create the “Slow-walking” series films, which featured Lee in saffron robe and shaved head, walking barefoot in an excruciatingly slow pace in cities around the world. He has since been invited to perform slow-walking in the play, The Monk From Tang Dynasty, in many cities, thus elevating his status into a slow-walking artist.

Piano & Violin
Huang Yu-Chieh is trained in classical music but has unlimited passion for jazz. He employed the techniques and skills from his rigorous classical training into his jazz improvisation, creating beautiful music and tones. Huang is a frequent collaborator of award-winning director Tsai Ming-Liang, and continues to be active in various music performances and teaching.

Joe Tan has been producing and composing scores for movies, short films and theatrical performance since 2011, and is known for applying his own unique perspectives and musical instrument arrangement in creating distinctive music genre.