地點:何黎婉華庇道演藝劇院 (澳門台山巴坡沙大馬路新城市商業中心三樓)
地圖:![map map](https://file.moc.gov.tw/001/Upload/OldFiles/AdminUploads/content/small/f8946ba3-9f77-48b1-bd57-0e64e6967e04.jpg)
Golden Horse Film Awards Focus Screening
4月13日(四) 19:30 -20:10
Teatro Clementina Leitão Ho Brito
【映後座談-談台港電影】詹正德x 孔慶輝
4月13日(四)20:20 -21:30
Teatro Clementina Leitão Ho Brito
孔慶輝| HONG Heng Fai
澳門人,接觸表演藝術十餘年;畢業於台灣世新大學廣告系。2014 年成立「地地影像工房」,2016 年拍攝《撞牆》歷史性入 圍金馬獎最佳劇情短片及多個海外短片影展。
Hong has been involved in performing arts for more than a decade. After graduated with a degree in Advertising at Shih Hsin University in Taiwan, He founded Day Day Studio in 2014. He produced Crash in 2016, and was nominated Best Live Action
Short Film of the 53th Golden Horse Awards.
主持人|詹正德 ZHAN Zheng-De
網名686。曾任職楊德昌電影工作室參與拍攝電影《獨立時代》,後成為廣告創意人十年,現於淡水河畔經營獨立書店「有河book」亦十年。長期在網路及平面媒體發表影評,影評集《看電影的人》曾獲評選為「2016 台北國際書展非小說類大獎」。並曾擔任2015 金馬獎短片項目之初選評審,及2016 TIDF 台灣國際紀錄片影展之「台灣競賽」評審。
2016 |孔慶輝 HONG Heng Fai | 20'
2016 |金馬獎最佳劇情短片提名
2016 |Golden Horse Awards, Best Live Action Short Film Nominee
A 20 minutes short film. A story about the 50 years old Cai, who's mother has disappeared.
2008 |姜秀瓊 CHIANG Hsiu-Chiung | 27'
2008 |金馬獎最佳短片、最佳新演員
2008 |Golden Horse Awards, Best Short Film, Best New Talent Award
Chung is a tow truck driver in Taipei, earning a meager salary to support his family by towing away cars parked in prohibited areas. However, it makes him feel like an accomplice of the bureaucratic system, robbing other humble citizens. Lian is an art teacher and a heart of gold in this chaotic anddespicable world. She feels continuously guilty for her occasional illegal parking. Then, as if by fate, the two cross paths in this jam-packed city. However, discovering Lian's good deeds, Chung feels touched by her compassionate nature. So, like a secret guardian angel, he decides to help her find a parking space wherever she goes.
- 所有活動為免費參加,包括電影放映、電影音樂會,但需索取免費門票,每名觀眾必須持門票入場;
- 大會預留少量門票於現場派發,未能預先取票的朋友可於每場活動前30分鐘到劇院索取;
- 所有沒有持票之觀眾,將以後補方式輪候進場;
- 免費門票於4月1日起於以下地點派發,派完即止。
門票派發地點:1) 澳門國父紀念館(10:00-17:00,逢星期二休息)
電話:2857 4064
2) 台北經濟文化辦事處(09:00-18:00,星期六日休息)
電話:2830 6289
3) 井井三一繪本書屋(13:30 - 19:30)
電話:2840 4271