Taiwan Arts Festival x Freespace Happening
Click for English description.
演出日期:11.11.2018 Sun.
吉他 Cig
VJ/合成器 CT
鼓手 小米IYUN "Mi"
貝斯 金毛Sion
別號「COCG」,樂團名來自英文哲思“Constantly changing”,中文團名就幽默地寫成「康士坦的變化球」。2013年成立,曲風介乎後搖與EMO之間;藉鼓聲複雜節奏和具渲染力的吉他聲響來營造出厚實有層次的迷離音牆,搭配 VJ 與合成器在激進旋律中有瞬刻的沈穩與反思。首張專輯『擱淺的人』2016年底發行。
主唱兼吉他 蔡依玲
貝斯 方博聖
鼓手 潘勇廷
吉他 周致宏
2015年成立,原以主唱命名為蔡依玲樂隊,2016年4月更名為淺堤; 2017年發行首張EP《湯與海》,曾在東亞區多地巡迴演唱。樂團來自高雄市,用台語及華語來創作歌曲而一直被認為能夠反映到台灣社會現象;如講述工業的發展如何搶去平民家園的《怪手》、抒發年輕人鬱悶的《高雄》與《我們的未來》。歌曲帶濃濃的烏煙瘴氣工業味道,其中2016年作品<怪手>、<多崎作>入圍金音獎最佳搖滾單曲。
Taiwan Arts Festival x Freespace Happening
About the artists
Constant & Change, A.K.A. “COCG”, derives its name from the English adage: "The only thing that is constant is change". Established in 2013, their style falls between post-rock and emo, combining a powerful rhythm brought out by complex drum beats and extremely evocative guitar tones to create a mystifying wall of sound that is both robust and layered. Accompanied by a VJ and synthesizer embellishments, the band somehow always finds calmness and reflection amid radical melodies.
ARNY (Guitar)
Cig (Guitar)
CT (VJ & Synthesizer)
IYUN "Mi" (Drums)
Sion (Bass)
Shallow Levée is an indie folk group, their songs delivered in Mandarin and Taiwanese with the veil of foul industry atmosphere. It whispers the sorrow of nature, heavily but warm. The band consists of four local youth of Kaohsiung City from different family backgrounds, with their vocal and guitarist composing songs based on her life experience under the history of industrialization of Kaohsiung City.
Elaine Tsai ( Vocal & Guitar)
Fang Bo-Sheng (Bass)
Pan Yung-Ting (Drums)
Chou Chih-Hong (Guitar)
*Freespace Happening is organised by West Kowloon Cultural District.