

A Journey of Nostalgia: Photography Exhibition of Chang Chao-Tang

Click for English description.

活動地點: 光華新聞文化中心

攝影展日期: 11~31.10.2018
開放時間: Mon.-Fri. 10:00-18:00, Sat. 10:00-20:00


日期時間: 12.10.2018 Fri. 19:30 - 21:30
講者: 張照堂 攝影家
主持: 馬唯中 M+水墨策展人
活動語言: 國語


日期時間: 13.10.2018 Sat. 11:00 - 11:30
活動語言: 國語

讓我不停地走在攝影之路上。 』 ~ 張照堂


1943年出生於板橋,1965年畢業於台灣大學土木工程系;「隨時走路,即時在場」,張照堂自高中時期拿起相機開始拍照,至今未曾停歇。他的影像平凡中有超脫、親切又疏離、荒謬中具詼 諧的特質,體現出攝影家敏銳的觀察、誠摯的理解,以及濃厚的關懷與同理心。他曾說:「攝影家尋找的不是風景,而是一種氛圍,一種狀態,它或許是浩巨的安靜與空無,或許是微妙的想 像與期待,也可能是另一種呼之欲出的能量與騷動。」

在超過五十年的影像創作生涯中,他的作品涵蓋攝影、電視片、紀錄片與劇情片等,不僅反映時代脈動,也是深遠的歷史見證。曾多次獲頒重要文藝奬項,包括:金鐘奬(1976)、國家文藝 奬(1999)、行政院文化奬(2011)等。此外,他也從事攝影與影片的策展與教學,同時策劃、主編、撰寫台灣攝影家叢書與攝影主題專書,在影像美學的傳承、累積、推廣與提攜後進上, 不遺餘力。

A Journey of Nostalgia: Photography Exhibition of Chang Chao-Tang

Date/Time: 11 to 31 Oct 2018
Mon.-Fri. 10:00-18:00, Sat. 10:00-20:00
Free admission
Venue: Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center

"Perhaps because I grew up in a small town, I have a great fondness for taking photos in the countryside or out in the fields, in nature. Capturing the world of children seems to be a way to look back on and reminisce about what is remembered and what has been forgotten. Old faces encountered on the streets, silhouettes, postures, waiting and gazing into the distance by the sea... are they predictions of different imaginative possibilities of what my future will be? All the people and sceneries appear quiet and alone here, but they also embody a certain kind of warmth. Perhaps it is this warmth of nostalgia that has kept me walking on the path of photography." ~ Chang Chao-Tang

Lecture on A Journey of Nostalgia: Photography and Culture

Date/Time: 12 Oct 2018 Fri. 19:30-21:30
Speaker: Chang Chao-Tang, the Photographer
Host: Lesley Ma, Curator (Ink Art) at M+
Lecture conducted in Mandarin

Artist's Tour

Date/Time: 13 Oct 2018 Sat. 11:00-11:30
Led by:
Chang Chao-Tang, the Photographer; and Shen Chao-Liang, the Curator
Event conducted in Mandarin

About the photographer

"Wherever you go, you’re at the scene." As a high school student, Chang Chao-Tang picked up a camera and began to shoot. He has not stopped since. His images reveal transcendence amid the commonplace, intimacy amid alienation, humor amid the absurd. They reflect the photographer’s acute observations and earnest understanding, his heartfelt concern and empathy. He once said: "Photographers don't seek a particular vista so much as an atmosphere, a state of existence. It might be monumental silence and emptiness, or subtle fantasy and expectation, or perhaps an alternative ineluctable form of energy and excitement".

His career, spanning more than half a century, encompasses photography, television programs, documentaries and feature films. His works not only reflect the pulse of the times — they are also far-reaching witnesses to history. He is the recipient of several major awards, including the Golden Bell (1976), the National Award for Arts (1999) and the National Cultural Award (2011). He has curated exhibitions and taught courses on photography and film. He has organized, edited and written books on Taiwanese photographers and photography. With unflagging dedication, he has worked to build up and promote the legacy of both still photography and motion pictures, guiding the less experienced and making considerable contributions, all the while casting a long shadow in his field.