
東京中央線 Feat. 謝明諺: Somewhere In Hong Kong

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日期時間:8.11.2019 Fri 20:30
入場票價:$200 (包一杯酒精飲品)





在今年六月底,臺灣第30屆金曲獎頒獎典禮上,東京中央線的《Lines & Stains》 榮獲「演奏類最佳專輯獎」。東京中央線的三位成員,在臺灣已經推出了三張專輯,每年幾乎有一半的時間都在臺灣,他們分別是吉他手大竹研(Ken Ohtake),他於2006年開始與客語金曲唱作人林生祥合作,成為他長期的音樂夥伴。接著,貝斯手早川徹(Toru Hayakawa)及鼓手福島紀明(Noriaki Fukushima)分別在2010年及2016年加入生祥樂隊,成為樂隊中重要的成員,隨著林生祥,他們三人的足跡遍及臺灣各大小鄉鎮,遠至屏東恆春的野台,近在臺北總統府的音樂會,都可以看到他們三人的演出。


臺北出身,布魯塞爾皇家音樂院爵士薩克斯風演奏碩士、碩士後文憑。2012臺中國際薩克斯風大賽冠軍。旅居歐洲六年,使得他的演奏和想法有著與眾不同的聲線和魅力。對於各種音樂的好奇和喜愛使得他在爵士樂的領域之外,搖滾、流行、獨立創作、嘻哈和電子前衛也都有所發揮。旅歐期間曾周遊至比利時,荷蘭,德國,盧森堡和布吉納法索演出。2011藝成歸國,除了與本土優秀爵士樂手持續合作,也和許多國際音樂家有密切互動。臺灣之外他也在日韓、港澳、中國、馬來西亞、印度等等鄰近國家演出,逐漸打開知名度。2014年以處女作『Firry Path』在臺灣爵士史譜寫新的一頁。謝明諺曾說:「演奏音樂對我來說,從來不是自己一個人的事。與樂手同伴們的互動合作,和演出時所散發出的能量,讓我在這個時空中找到了屬於自己的座標,連結這個世界。」2017年臺北世大運閉幕式他受邀演出熄聖火樂:『薪傳』,在世界的注目中為整個運動盛事劃下完美句點。 2018年七月,他發行了第二張個人專輯,全自由即興的作品『上善若水 As Good As Water』。 同年與東京中央線合作的專輯『Lines & Stains』獲得了第三十屆金曲獎的最佳演奏專輯獎。

Tokyo Chuo-Line Feat. Min-yen Hsieh: Somewhere In Hong Kong

Date/Time:8.11.2019 Fri 20:30

Venue:Lau Bak Livehouse, Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District
Entrance Fee: $200 (includes one alcoholic drink)

About the programme

Arts and culture can encourage and give people the power to overcome adversity. Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center collaborates with West Kowloon Cultural District to invite Tokyo Chuo-Line come to Hong Kong, hoping that everyone could face challenges optimistically and continue their love for life, music, culture, movies, and all those things that nourish our souls. Here we go, Tokyo Chuo-Line will see you on 8 November!

About the artist

Tokyo Chuo-Line

At the 30th Golden Melody Awards Ceremony in June this year, the "Lines & Stains" album by Tokyo Chuo-Line received the Best Instrumental Recording Album award. Tokyo Chuo-Line has released 3 albums in Taiwan already. The trio spends nearly half of their time in Taiwan every year. Its guitarist, Ken Ohtake, has been working with Hakka GMA singer-songwriter, Lin Sheng Xiang, since 2006 and become his long-term music partner. Bassist, Toru Hayakawa, and drummer, Noriaki Fukushima, joined Sheng-Xiang & Band in 2010 and 2016 respectively and became its essential members. Together with Lin Sheng Xiang, they toured around Taiwan in cities and villages, performing at venues from rustic stages in the remote township of Hengchun in Ping Tung County to grand concerts at the Presidential Office at Taipei. They have naturally been regarded as Taiwanese by many.
In recently years, the trio has placed increasing emphasis on their work in Taiwan. They are not only members of Sheng-Xiang & Band, but have also collaborated as musicians or production team for many Taiwan musicians such as A-mei, Wanfang, LTK Commune, Louis Wong, Lo Sirong, Chung Yufeng, Misa and more.
Tokyo Chuo-Line being the trio's own band is poised for delivering an exceptional concert built on their years of uncompromising performance experience and unrelenting pursuit for skills and sensitivity that epitomise the musicians' soul and spirit. Each of their songs is a piece of craft of sophistication and effort. In this upcoming Hong Kong show in November, Tokyo Chuo-Line will jam with the acclaimed saxophonist, Hsieh Min-Yen. So, this is definitely a show not to be missed!

Hsieh Min-Yen

Hsieh is a highly regarded, award-winning Taiwanese saxophonist. The Taipei native, born in 1981, started to perform professionally at the age of 19, and studied at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in Brussels. There he studied with John Ruocco and Jeroen Van Herzeele. His strong improvisation skills and rich tone has made him a coveted player in several genres varying from: jazz, rock, folk, hip-hop, electronic to avant-garde. Outside of Taiwan, Min-Yen has also been welcomed to grace stages through Belgium, Germany, Holland, Luxembourg, Japan, China, HK, Macau, Korea, Malaysia, India and Burkina Faso. He won the Taichung Saxophone Competition in 2012, and regularly contributes to various jazz, pop and experimental projects in Taiwan. His first record "Firry Path" was the best-selling of the year in 2014. His second solo album "A Good As Water", is released In July 2018 both Taiwan and Japan. His recent collaboration album "Lines & Stains" with Tokyo Chuo-Line has won the "Best Instrumental Album" of 2019 Golden Melody Award in Taiwan.