

  • 日期:2020-09-17

Click for English description.

日期時間:21.11.2020 10:00-18:00







專長於新文學、兒童文學、語文教學,曾獲 五四兒童文學教育獎、中國文藝協會文藝獎 章(兒童文學獎)、信誼特殊貢獻獎等。林文寶論述台灣童話的演變,見解深入、文辭成熟老練而清晰,徵引之資料豐富,介紹台灣文學的論述,則是精闢入裏、分析事理深 具邏輯觀念、層次鮮明,是台灣兒童文學界泰斗。


Date/Time:21 NOV Sat 2020 10:00-18:00

Venue:Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center

Free admission

Details and online registration click here.

About the programme

To children, literature and theatre arts share many in common. Since long ago, children literature showed the belief that children are individual from the adult world, it shows different values to their readers. Professor Lin Wen-pao from Taiwan and A Nong, a Hong Kong experienced children literature creator, are invited by Ming Ri Institute for Arts Education to give speeches in the seminar, together with sharing from other writers in the field from both Taiwan and Hong Kong, this is an occasion that we bring theatre and children literature to each other, while at the same time to show how children literature respects children, how it is suitable for the mental development of children and how it inspires children with its simple but wonderful choice of words.

About the artist

Lin Wen-pao

Academic expertise is in children's literature (especially the history and development of children's literature in Taiwan and children's reading), Chinese language teaching, and Chinese literature.

Supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council