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日期時間:19.11.2019 Tue 19:00
活動地點:亞洲協會香港中心 力寶展藝場

《良夜》 蔡明亮

日月如梭 轉眼不興閱報 大小世事從巴掌大的手機屏幕閃現 竟似無輕重了 姚莉走了 不久前張仲文也走了 夾雜在一條條紛擾的新聞中有一種悄悄走了的悵然與失落 其實是一整個時代 已悄然別去 物換星移了

我自小在南洋 隨外祖父看粵劇聽南音 看電懋 邵氏的歌舞片 父親的真空管收音機更是不斷迴盪著華語時代曲 這就是我的童年 但悠然甜美的時光離我遙遠 似乎我已走到車站 等著我的末班車

涼風有信 秋月無邊 不如就讓我翻開記憶吧 那些名字 那些畫面 那些歌 記多少 是多少

良夜不能留 讓那時鐘停不走
恨雄雞太多事 偏聲聲啼個不休
良夜不能留 輕把繡簾掩小樓
恨天公太無情 偏絲絲晨光透漏
夜是多麼地溫柔 你我情意相投
末曾盡情享受 又是黎明時候
良夜不能留 只為不願人兒走
恨歡樂時太短 才相見又要分手

良夜 不能留 唯有盡情享受




Good Night: Tsai Ming-liang's Film, Favourite Music, and Live Improvisation

Date/Time:19.11.2019 Tue 19:00

Venue:Lippo Amphitheater, Asia Society Hong Kong Center
Free admission:Online registratrion
*This event includes a short film screening, a shidaiqu (Chinese folk/American jazz fusion music) rendering, and live improvisation.
Doors open at 18:45. First come, first served.

About the programme

Good Night by Tsai Ming-liang

As the days and months flash by, newspapers have suddenly gone out of fashion. World affairs, big and small, now appear on phone screens the size of a palm, with no apparent sense of relative importance. Yao Lee has passed; Diana Chang also passed not long ago. But when news of their deaths are mixed in with one disruptive headline after another, there is a sense of loss and sadness in how quietly they left us. In reality, it is an entire era that has quietly left us, never to return.

I grew up in Southeast Asia. Alongside my grandfather, I would watch Cantonese opera, listen to Naamyam, and see musicals produced by the Cathay Organisation and the Shaw Brothers. My father's vacuum tube radio would also be constantly reverberating with Mandarin shidaiqu (Chinese folk/American jazz fusion music). That was my childhood. But those sweet, carefree times are very far away now. I seem to have arrived at the station, waiting for my last train.

It's a lovely autumn night, so allow me to open up my memories. Those names, those images, those songs... how much I remember is how much there is.

The good night cannot stay
Make that clock stop moving
Despise the rooster for being too nosy
It just refuses to stop crowing
The good night cannot stay
Pull the embroidered curtains over the window
Despise the heavens for being too merciless
Rays of morning light still seep through so
How gentle is this night
Kindred spirits, you and I
We haven't yet enjoyed it to the utmost
But twilight has again arrived
The good night cannot stay
Only because I don’t want you to go
Despise our time for being too fleeting
Just reunited, but part again we must though

The good night cannot stay. All we can do is make the most of it.

About the artists

Tsai Ming-liang
Born in Malaysia in 1957, Tsai Ming-liang is one of the most prominent film directors of the new cinema movement in Taiwan. Over his 30-year career, he has kept innovating, challenging, and subverting audience expectations and market rules, always in dialogue with the world through multiple art forms: full-length feature films and short works, installation art, theater, performance art, and multimedia works.