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活動日期:31.10-1.11.2019 Thu-Fri

日期時間:31.10.2019 Thu 20:00

日期時間:01.11.2019 Fri

19:00 作曲家分享會
20:00 演出


由西九文化區舉辦,台灣音樂策劃人林芳宜、香港創樂團創辦人兼藝術總監凌藝廉(William Lane)以及西九文化區藝術策劃(音樂)龔志成將分享對港台當代音樂發展的看法,探討亞洲作曲家在國際音樂舞台的定位及未來發展的可能性。三位台灣當代作曲家林佳瑩、劉韋志、鄭伊里將到香港與本地作曲家交流;並由香港創樂團及捌號會所演奏,與大眾分享創作過程及成果。




台灣首位榮獲英國皇家愛樂協會作曲大獎(2018年)得主;自2015年來榮獲多項國際作曲獎肯定,2017年獲韓國歌德學院(德國文化中心 )委託創作獎與傑出創作表彰,及美國西雅圖管弦樂團2018-19 Celebrate Asia國際作曲比賽首獎。


美國加州大學戴維斯分校音樂哲學博士候選人,專精領域為作曲與音樂理論。作品多次獲獎及受邀赴Cortona Sessions, Etchings Festival, MISE-EN Festival等音樂節進行交流與演出。


自幼接受古典音樂教育,目前專注於即時電聲結合樂器與裝置表演。作品多次獲得肯定,2019年更受衛武營國家藝術文化中心支持至匈牙利Peter Eötvös當代音樂基金會培訓。






Contemporary Classical Music Exchange Programme

Date:31.10-1.11.2019 Thu-Fri

HK x TW Contemporary Music Talk
Date/Time:31.10.2019 Thu 20:00
Date/Time:01.11.2019 Fri

19:00 Meet-the-Composer Session
20:00 Performance
Venue:The Room, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District

About the programme

Organised by West Kowloon, the HK x TW Contemporary Music Talk will be conducted by Lin Fang-yi (Taiwanese contemporary music curator), William Lane (the founder and artistic director of the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble (HKNME)), and Kung Chi-shing (the artistic associate of West Kowloon). The sharing will cover various topics including the development of contemporary classical music in Hong Kong and Taiwan, the significance of Asian composers in the international music scene, a global view of contemporary classical music, etc. Three contemporary Taiwanese composers – Lin Chia-ying, Liu Wei-chih and Cheng I-lly – will travel to Hong Kong to share their creative process and achievements with the local composers and the public. HKNME and Studio Acht will also perform their works.

This programme is supported by Spotlight Taiwan Project

About the artists

Lin Chia-ying
First Taiwanese winner of the Royal Philharmonic Society Composition Prize (2018), Lin has received many international recognition since 2015, including a commission prize from the Goethe-Institut Korea for its Asian Composers Showcase 2017, and the winner of the Seattle Symphony 2018-19 Celebrate Asia Composition Competition.

Chang Yu-Hsin
Currently a Ph.D. candidate in music composition and theory at UC Davis, Chang is a composer and also Chinese flutist. Her music has been featured worldwide, including Mise-En Festival 2017, Music Taiwan 2016, Etchings Festival 2016, and Cortona Sessions 2014.

Cheng I-lly
Besides the profound influences from her classical music studies, Cheng has been researching and writing works comprising electronics, soundscape, video and sound installations. She focused on making live installations on stage, searching for different performance forms and more possibilities between acoustic instrument and electronics.

Programme Partner

Studio Acht
Advocated by composer and art critic Lin Fang-yi, who co-founded the organization in 2013 with an ensemble of musicians, composers, artists and performance groups with a focus on contemporary music and contemporary art.
With many emerging new Taiwanese artists and musicians with vibrant performance energy, Studio Acht is devoted to creating a platform for bringing these talented artists to the international stage.

Hong Kong New Music Ensemble
Founded in 2008, the HKNME currently consists of fifteen core members and several ensemble associates who perform in versatile combinations in a variety of settings. The HKNME has performed many masterpieces of the contemporary repertoire over the years, as well as numerous premières by composers from Hong Kong and overseas, many of which were commissioned by the HKNME itself.