

  • 日期:2020-09-17

Click for English description.








擅長爵士、搖滾、民謠、嘻哈、電音及前衛等音樂類別,以即興演奏優秀的技巧與豐富表現力聞名。曾獲得2012台中國際薩克斯風大賽冠軍。2017年台北世大運閉幕式受邀演出熄聖火樂《薪傳》。2018年與東京中央線合作的專輯 《Lines & Stains》獲得了第三十屆金曲獎的最佳演奏專輯獎。最新作品有2019年與實驗樂團非/密閉空間合作的當代科技電子聲響《Flow, Gesture, and Spaces》;2020年向日治時期台灣爵士樂先鋒人物劉金墻致敬的原音四重奏《看不見的足跡》。






鋼琴家、作曲家及監製。曾接受古典音樂訓練的朱肇階,現時致力融合各種前衛風格,探索不同音樂類型、文化及演奏技巧。他曾合作的音樂人包括流行樂壇天后以至獨立藝術家。2018年與聲音設計師Hirsk及鼓手Blue Kwok創立電子原音三人樂團 manvsmachine。



Date/Time:7 NOV Sat - 8 NOV Sun 2020

Venue:Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District

Free admission

About the programme

This November, as part of the Freespace Jazz Fest at West Kowloon, Golden Melody Award winner Hsieh Min-yen and Golden Indie Music Award winner Lee Shih-yang collaborate with Hong Kong improvisational musicians Mike Yip Chi-chung and Daniel Chu in an “Experimental Jazz Lab”. Transcending current travel restrictions using online technologies, the event brings the artists together virtually in real time from Taiwan and Hong Kong, offering artists and audiences in both places a new kind of immersive experience. The event will also be streamed online.

About the artist

Hsieh Min-yen

Known for his strong improvisation skills, rich tone and versatility, Hsieh Min-yen specialises in genres such as jazz, rock, folk, hip-hop, electronic and avant-garde. Hsieh is the 2012 winner of the Taichung Saxophone Competition and his collaboration “Lines & Stains” with Japanese band Tokyo Chuo-Line won the Best Instrumental Album at the 2018 Golden Melody Awards. His latest releases include “Flow, Gesture, and Spaces” with electronic-experimental group Non-Confined Space in 2019 and the acoustic quartet tribute album “Invisible Steps” in 2020.

Lee Shih-yang

Pianist Lee Shih-yang draws inspiration from the practice of improvisation and has worked with artists from various fields, including visual arts, theatre, multimedia and dance. He is the founder of Taiwanese improvisation band Ka Dao Yin and co-founder of the Taiwan International Improvised Music Festival. With Ka Dao Yin, Lee has won several Golden Indie Music Awards and Golden Melody Awards for Traditional Arts and Music. He has been invited to perform in many countries.

Mike Yip

Composer, improviser and experimentalist, Mike Yip’s work is characterised by cross-cultural and experimental practices. In his performances, electric guitar, effect processors and modular synthesizers are used as the major medium of expression. Yip studied jazz guitar with Eugene Pao and and composition with Professor Chan Hing Yan. He is currently a member of contemporary jazz group Mo-Men-T, electronic music group thisisthewaytheworldends and ensemble associate of the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble.

Daniel Chu

Improvising keyboardist, songwriter and producer Daniel Chu is known for avant-garde explorations encompassing a range of genres, cultures, musical traditions and playing techniques. Chu has performed, written and produced for pop divas and independent artists alike, and in 2018 co-founded the electroacoustic trio manvsmachine with sound designer hirsk and drummer Blue Kwok.

Full schedule to be announced by Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District

Supported by Spotlight Taiwan Project